Restaurant Associates are committed to delivering our world-class services responsibly. By focusing on partnerships that allow us to positively contribute to the communities in which we operate, we can take an active role in facilitating social and environmental change.
One such partnership is with the incredible Will2Live. Will2Live are a not-for-profit charity and NGO organisation who provide support and basic human needs to the marginalised and disenfranchised members of Australian society. The founder, Will, began his journey in 2012 by making sandwiches at home and distributing them in Sydney’s CBD to individuals experiencing homelessness.
Will’s extraordinary work has since been recognised and grown over time with the support and commitment of a network of volunteers, their amazing employment pathway programs, and through corporate partnerships with organisations like Restaurant Associates. Having now been in operation for 13 years, Will2Live has distributed over 1,000,000 meals which would have otherwise gone to landfill to struggling members of society.

Restaurant Associates and Will2Live have been working together since June 2024 at one of our professional services client sites. Our site culinary team ensure any excess food produced is packaged and donated to Will2Live to support the brilliant work they do.
Founder and CEO Will says, ‘the excess food that Restaurant Associates donates to Will2Live has helped us provide over 4,000 free, nutritious meals to the homeless community, housing commissions, struggling families, and single mums each week.’
Not only does this partnership allow us to make a real difference to individuals and families in our local community, but the environmental impact of reducing waste to landfill is also profound. We look forward to continuing our support for this amazing charity in the future.
Find out more about the work they do here.